
Khadijat Kareem


In Nigeria It is Difficult to Access a Loan once you are Retired

During the launch of the Jolaade Adekola Initiative for the Retired Ageing and Aged (JAIRAA) event on 25th November 2021, Mr Harrison, a businessman brought attention to the fact that his bank did not grant him a business loan facility which he had previously had access to, claiming he was now unable to access the loan after he turned 60.


One Year Old Hostel Building In SAIS Fatara, Jigawa Falling Apart

When Dataphyhe’s project tracking team visited the school, the hostel project had been completed and been in use for a year. There were however already faults with the construction including peeling plasters and poor roofing. A civil engineer, Engr Joseph Ayu, who was a part of the Dataphyte tracking team noted that the plastering and roofing were poorly done.