
Khadijat Kareem

Chart of the Day

#ChartoftheDay: Crude Oil Price Per Barrel Increases

Crude oil prices have risen in the last two months, going from $74 to $91.72 per barrel between December 2021 and January 2022. Although there were a few dips in prices within the period, crude prices increased by 23.9% between the last month of 2021 and the first month of the year.


The Nigerian Contingent to COP 28: Too Many or too Few?

However, the World Bank has agreed to act as administrator for at least four initial years. Additionally, nations that should pay in have been named, including the US, UK and EU. These wealthiest nations will be “urged” to contribute their fair share, while rapidly developing nations with major economies, like China, will be “encouraged” to pay in. There is not yet a set target for how much should be provided and by when.