Published in Climate

SE4ALL Forum closes with a $347 million investment pledge to support clean energy transition

Partners of Sustainable Energy for ALL (SE4ALL) pledged a $347 million investment to promote clean energy and transition in Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world.


A cross-section of participants during #SEforALLForum in Kigali, Rwanda. Photocredit: SE4ALL Twitter 

Partners of Sustainable Energy for ALL (SE4ALL) pledged a $347 million investment to promote clean energy and transition in Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world. 

The pledge was announced during the fifth Sustainable Energy for All Forum (SE4ALL), the first to be co-hosted by a national government in Kigali, Rwanda.

SE4ALL Forum witnessed a landmark global gathering of over 1,000 attendees, including leaders from government, business, development institutions, and civil society, who met to take stock of progress, showcase success, and identify solutions to achieve faster, broader gains towards sustainable energy for all. 

The Forum witnessed high profile speakers like Paul Kagame; President of Rwanda, António Guterres; Secretary-General of the United Nations, Patricia Espinosa; Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention and Climate Change, Laurence Tubiana; CEO, European Climate Foundation, Dymphna van der Lans; CEO, Clean Cooking Alliance, and others. 

SE4ALL Forum closes with a $347 million investment pledge to support Clean Energy transition

Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Co-Chair of UN-Energy closing the 2022 #SEforALLForum on a high mark, with 1000+ attendees in-person, new #SDG7Finance and partnerships announced. Photocredit: SE4All Twitter page

During the Forum, Bloomberg Philanthropies committed $242 million to accelerate the clean energy transition in 10 developing countries, including Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, and South Africa. The organisation would implement its commitment through partnerships with SEforALL, the ClimateWorks Foundation, and other key partners, to expand renewable energy capacity and access while phasing out coal use.

The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet also announced $50 million to further its multi-year commitment to Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) to bridge energy access gaps and support energy transition programs in targeted markets.

Similarly, IKEA Foundation announced a $5.8 million in funding for the Universal Energy Facility, the results-based financing facility managed by Sustainable Energy for All.

Innovate UK’s Energy Catalyst (an Innovate UK program) announced that up to £40 million in funding will be issued to help combat the climate crisis for communities in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Indo-Pacific regions.

The Forum forged new initiatives, reports, and partnerships in addition to the commitment. 

While closing the Forum, Damilola Ogunbiyi, the CEO of Sustainable Energy for All, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Co-Chair of UN-Energy, said there is a need for urgent and decisive action to drive forward a people-centred energy transition.

“Energy, climate, and development must go together – clean energy access truly is the link to a better life, to a safer and more prosperous future,” she added.

Access to clean energy requires financial investment and partnerships for developing countries. SE4All Forum serves as a platform to broker new partnerships, spur investment, address challenges, and drive action towards realising SDG7 and a global clean energy transition.

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