

How fuel scarcity, rising inflation is affecting SMEs

“Whether you make sales or not, you will pay money daily for electricity,” a trader told Dataphyte, revealing that he and his boss (the owner of the business), depending on the business thriving and a lower cost of running the business to live daily.


Where Really Are Small Businesses In Government’s COVID-19 Relief?

About a fortnight ago a correspondence from the Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS) notified business owners on the modalities for payment of monthly tax returns (VAT). The correspondence directed that due to the COVID-19 lockdown, business owners should utilize the e-payment platform for tax payment. Also, in compliance to social distancing measures, business owners were directed to send a copy of the electronically generated bank invoice to a designated e-mail address against the usual physical submission of payment evidence to the tax office. However, many business owners consider the absence of tax breaks, an additional burden associated with the pandemic.