Published in Chart of the Day

#ChartoftheDay: Nigerians Spend an Average of N11,000 on Valentine’s day Gifts

Valentine’s Day, celebrated every 14th of February, is a day dedicated to celebrating love and friendship with family, friends but especially between lovers.


Khadijat Kareem ,

February 14th, 2022

Valentine’s Day, celebrated every 14th of February, is a day dedicated to celebrating love and friendship with family, friends but especially between lovers.

Gifts are exchanged, poignant love messages are shared and social media is filled with all public displays of affection characterised by surprise delivery of gifts and the trending “paranran” which is used to describe saxophonists or trumpeters rendering select love songs to the recipient of the surprise. 

In recent times, there is also a lot of sarcastic humor for and from those who are single. An example of such humor is the popular “where is your girlfriend/boyfriend” song.

This data shows the average amount spent on valentine’s day gifts by individuals across different countries in 2021, and Nigerians spent an average of EUR 24 (N11,295) on Valentine’s day.

Average amount spent by men and women on Valentine Day Celebration (in Euros)

According to Statisense men spend more on Valentine’s gifts (N22,154)  than women  (N10,000) and 91% of Nigerians celebrate Valentine’s day while only 9% do not.

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